Welcome to the book tour for On Loving by Lili Naghdi! Today she took some time out of her busy schedule to give us a bit of insight into her and her writing. Get some writing advice and learn about some of her favorites in this interview! I also have an excerpt from the book for you to enjoy before you download your own copy. Be sure to also follow the rest of the tour to learn even more about her and her book, plus multiple chances to leave her more questions and comments as you enter the giveaway.
Any weird things you do when you’re alone?
I don’t talk to anyone at times for many hours just focusing on things I need to do, I really enjoy the silence. No humming, nothing! It seems weird even to me!
What is your favorite quote and why?
The quote from Rumi, the 13th century Persian poet. I even wrote it in my book since I love how it sounds and what it means: Love is the religion and universe is the book.
I think if we all believe in what he once wrote, there wouldn’t be any more wars, killings and anything even close to all the disasters human beings ever endured. Loving each other and respecting our differences make life much easier.
Who is your favorite author and why?
Margaret Mitchell. I was a very young girl, almost 14 living in Iran when I read Gone with The Wind’s translation in Farsi. I loved it because it taught me things I didn’t know about the civil war era and how people reacted in the face of war at the time. Although I experienced the bitter taste of war living in Iran, but it was another take on war and the ugly face of slavery portrayed in a beautiful love story. I liked her way of looking into her characters’ emotional state and reactions. A wonderful job she did as a writer.
What, in your opinion, are the most important elements of good writing?
Clarity of the scenes and dialogues, intriguing concept that gives you a sense of curiosity and enables you to learn things you hardly knew before or never paid attention to, staying away from any prejudice while focusing on the important facts and the beauty and attractive nature of the story itself.
Where did you get the idea for this book?
By creating this story, I wished to explore and also shed light on different ways love, as an intense emotion, could affect people’s lives. I am a family physician with a key interest in women’s health and psychology. I am also a huge fan of literature and a true believer in its undeniable influence on people. I intended to take the readers on a journey through this love story to make them more aware of the physiology and psychology of love, loss, and some of the emotional and mental challenges of life itself. These were all based on the true feelings and emotions of people that I encountered through my life and worked with over the years in my practice. Being an Iranian—Canadian, I’ve always intended to find a way to introduce concepts about ancient Persian history, culture and particularly Persian literature to people who are not familiar with them by simplifying the way they can explore these issues. So, I tried to use and combine deep and meaningful visions of Hafez, Rumi and many other Persian writers with beautiful and eloquent works of Hemingway, Austen and many others while following a love story with its own delicate twists.

On Loving
In 1972, Dr. Rose Hemmings has just finished her general surgery residency when a haunted stranger is shot in front of her in a New York City bar, and their lives become forever intertwined. And when, having been given the blessing of her adoptive father on his deathbed, Rose travels to prerevolutionary Iran to discover the past her American family kept secret from her, she finds a true Pandora’s box. It is a world both foreign and familiar, in which her primary place is as the heiress to a great tribe. In Iran, Rose will find family she never dreamed of, her own people, and a man who loves her as passionately as he does the rare black roses of his garden. She will return to the United States carrying a new secret and torn between two men: the one she loves helplessly, and the one who loves her unconditionally.
Woven throughout with Persian poetry ancient and modern, On Loving is the story of one woman’s lifetime of love and loss, of societal change in a nomadic people, and of overcoming personal challenges, including mental and physical health, to find true contentment. Above all, it is a story of love: its physiology, psychology and philosophy; the many forms it takes; its myths and truths; its challenges, its joys and its gifts.
Read an excerpt:
“It was almost nine when I got back. Kim had fed Layla and put her to sleep. I sent Kim home for the night, kissed Layla’s face good night and went to my room to change for bed. Siyavash’s letter was still on the floor. I bent down and picked it up. Inhaling the scent of the dried black rose, I wandered to the window and stared at the thin, even white carpet of snow on the street. Where do I want to be? I asked myself. Somewhere beautiful, calming. Somewhere full of life, with a boundless, vaulted sky above my head, perhaps! I then closed my eyes and let myself being taken to Siyavash’s majestic rose garden in Isfahan. I could feel the breeze in my hair, could feel the warmth of the sun on my face. I remembered how Siyavash had looked at me with love and admiration there. I was blind not to see it then. I couldn’t recall Dean looking at me like that … I opened my eyes and read Siyavash’s letter again, raking my fingers through my hair. Then, nervously rubbing my neck, I went to the phone next to my bed. “Good evening,” I said when the other end of the line picked up. “Rose! Is that … Is that you?” It was Siyavash. “Yes, it’s me!” I paused and swallowed the lump that had risen in my throat. “Come back home! Just come back to me!” I quickly hung up and rushed to the window, as if for air. Snowflakes were still dancing their way down to the ground. My chest felt so constricted that I could hardly breathe. Am I questioning Dean’s love for me? I wondered. Am I comparing it to Siyavash’s? But that was impossible! I shook my head. I’m just giving Siyavash a chance to redeem himself, a proper second chance. But the reminder to myself was pointless: the truth was something else, and I knew it! I was at fault here. I was the guilty — guilty of blocking not only my ears but also my soul from hearing Siyavash’s voice, so ignorant indeed that my heart was finally reproaching me for my bigotry and cruelty. I folded the letter and tucked it away in the drawer next to my bed. I’ll know soon how I need to deal with him, I told myself. Or I’ll just have to find a way around it!”
About Lili Naghdi
Lili Naghdi is an Iranian Canadian physician who was born and raised in Tehran. She continued her education and research after moving to Canada with her husband and daughter in 1996. Today she practices family medicine in Vaughan, Ontario, with particular interests in women’s and mental health. Being a family physician gives her the privilege of connecting with patients and participating in their care with a deeper understanding of the physical, emotional and social adversities they face. Interacting with people of many different backgrounds has also provided Dr. Naghdi with the opportunity to grow as a person, a physician and an author.
Growing up in pre- and post-revolutionary Iran, Lili became fascinated by the magical realm of literature, poetry and history. She began collecting prized quotations at the young age of eight. Dr. Naghdi has written poetry and short stories in both Farsi and English, but she eventually followed William Wordsworth’s advice to “Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart,” and turned to fiction.
On Loving is her first novel. Inspired by both the ordinary people she has the honor to support and by the great literature of Persia and the world — from Hafez to Forugh Farrokhzad and from John Steinbeck to Margaret Mitchell — Dr. Naghdi passionately agrees with Boris Pasternak, whose Yuri Zhivago is a physician and patriotic poet, when he writes: “Literature is the art of discovering something extraordinary about ordinary people and saying with ordinary words something extraordinary.”
Website: www.lilinaghdi.com
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/44310723-on-loving?from_search=true
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/lilinaghdiauthor/posts/?ref=page_internal
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/naghdil/
Amazon author page URL: https://authorcentral.amazon.com/gp/profile
Barnes and Noble Author URL: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/reviews/books/1130591456?ean=9781999497002
Videos of her book launch: https://youtu.be/iqMoLoKBRPI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYtdrHiWffk
Lili Naghdi will be awarding a $50 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thanks for hosting!
Hello Everyone,
It is such a great pleasure joining you today on another stop of my virtual tour! Thank you all for participating in our discussions. I’d like to extend my gratitude to our wonderful host for giving me this opportunity. Also, I’d like to thank Goddess Fish Promotions for coordinating this tour.
“On Loving”, my debut novel, is not only a love story but in fact, it is a story about love itself, its physiology and philosophy, the many forms it takes, its myths and truths, its challenges, its joys and its gifts. It is the story of one woman’s lifetime of love and loss, and of the true meaning of love, and this “true meaning” could be different for different people.
I’d like to ask everyone the following question (on each and every stop of the tour), and I’d really appreciate everyone’s participation:
How do you define “LOVE” in your own words and based on your own experiences?
So … let me know what’s on your mind!
Lili Naghdi
Do you share your story with any family members and friends during the writing process?
Hi Bernie. I didn’t share anything about the story with anyone until I finished it. But when I finished writing, I shared it with three of my close friends and my husband. They were my first critics! Thanks for joining us and good luck in the giveaway!
Thanks so much for sharing a book description and giveaway also. Sounds great!
Thanks for joining us!
Sounds like a good book.
Thanks Rita!
Great cover and excerpt, thanks for sharing 🙂
Thanks Victoria. Good luck in the giveaway!
This sounds like a super amazing book!!
Hi Mya. Thanks for following the tour. Good Luck with the draw!
Sounds great, I love the cover, very romantic.
Thanks Susan. Good luck with the draw!
Thanks for your participation and good luck with the draw everyone! I’d like to thank our host and Goddess Fish Promotions once more.
How did you come up with the title for the book?
Hi Bernie. The title of this novel honors Forugh Farrokhzad, a popular contemporary Persian poet. Her famous poem by the same title, “On Loving” (in Persian, “Az doost Dashtan”), is considered to be one of the most beautiful literary works she created in her short yet productive life.
On Loving: A Novel is dedicated to the memory of this bold, talented woman and to all the women around the world who have been attesting taboos and discrimination against women through their voices, through works of art and through their own professional achievements. If you find time and you’re interested you can check my posts on my Facebook: Lili Naghdi Author or Instagram: @naghdil. Thank for your attention. Have a wonderful day!
Here is the poem,”On Loving”, translated beautifully by Sholeh Wolpe, an award-winning poet and translator:
Tonight from your eyes’ sky
stars rain on my poem,
my fingers spark, set ablaze
the muteness of these blank pages.
My fevered, raving poem
shamed by its desires,
hurls itself once again into fire,
the flames’ relentless craving.
Yes, so love begins,
and though the road’s end is out of sight,
I do not think of the end.
It’s the loving that I love.
Why shun darkness?
The night abounds with diamond drops.
Later, jasmine’s intoxicating scent
lingers on the spent body of night.
Let me lose myself in you
till no one can find my trace.
Let your dewy sigh’s fevered soul
waft over the body of my songs.
Wrapped in sleep’s silk
let me grow wings of light,
fly through its open door
beyond the world’s fences and walls.
Do you know what I want of life?
That I can be with you, you, all of you,
and if life repeated a thousand times,
still you, you, and again, you.
Concealed in me is a sea:
how could I hide it?
How could I describe
the typhoon inside?
I’m so filled with you
I want to run through meadows,
bash my head against mountain rocks,
give myself to ocean waves.
I’m so filled with you
I want to crumble into myself like a speck of dust,
to gently lay my head at your feet,
cling fast to your weightless shadow.
Yes, so love begins,
and though the road’s end is out of sight,
I do not think of the end
for it’s the loving I so love.
Were any other books an inspiration for your current book?
“Sin: Selected Poems of Forugh Farrokhzad translated by Sholeh Wolpe. I am a big fan of Forugh’s works and all her poems have had inspiring effects on me over the years. “The Thorn Birds”, one of my favorites, was also an inspiration for me to elaborate on the meaning of love itself and more specifically on conditional vs unconditional love concept at the same time.
This sounds really good, I enjoyed the excerpt