One of my favorite things at this time of year is being able to bring to you a great collection of fantasy and sci-fi books and authors. Today’s an introduction to the books that will be featured over the next 10 days. Enjoy!
On tour with Prism Book Tours
We’re excited to be sharing books from ten fantasy and sci-fi authors this holiday season, a different book each day! There is also a giveaway to enter below.
Tour Schedule
(Posts go live on the day they’re scheduled.)
November 28th: Launch
November 29th: Elayne Audrey Becker – Forestborn
November 30th: Michelle Diener – The Turncoat King
December 1st: Jes Drew – Agents Adam and Eve
December 2nd: Sharon Hinck – Windward Shore
December 3rd: Kara Linaburg – The Broken Prince
December 4th: Cathy McCrumb – Recorder
December 5th: Sandra Fernandez Rhoads – Realms of Light
December 6th: Chawna Schroeder – The Vault Between Spaces
December 7th: Melissa Wright – Beneath Stone and Sacrifice
December 8th: Kristen Young – Elite
December 9th: Grand Finale
Books on Tour (links to Goodreads)

Bloggers & Bookstagrammers Participating
Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a $50 (USD) Amazon eGift Card
Open internationally
Ends December 13, 2021
Ends December 13, 2021