31 Days of Slow Cooker Meals: Stuffed Apples

You know that apples are good for you, right? They’re also quite versatile and tasty in so many dishes that you can enjoy throughout the day. These stuffed apples bake all day in the slow cooker and give your house a warm and amazing scent. They make for a fun and filling snack or even a healthier dessert option! You can also use them as a side dish with your favorite pork or ham recipe.

Ingredients for Stuffed Apples

  • 4 large Granny Smith apples
  • 1 tbsp of lemon juice
  • 1 bowl of cold water
  • 1/4 C + 1 tbsp light sugar, divided
  • 1/4 C of raisins
  • 1/4 C of pecans, chopped
  • 3 tbsp of unsalted butter, divided
  • 1/2 C of maple syrup
  • 1 cinnamon stick

How to make Stuffed Apples

  1. Prepare apples one at a time. First, remove the peel from the top 1/3 of the apple.
  2. Remove the core and seeds and make a canal 1 inch thick wide that stops 1/4-inch from the bottom of the apple.
  3. Mix the lemon juice into the water.
  4. Drop the apple into the juice mixture.
  5. Proceed with the next apple, removing each apple in the lemon juice mixture before adding the next one.
  6. Place 1 tbsp of brown sugar into a mixing bowl.
  7. Use your fingers to mix in the raisins, pecans and 1 tbsp of the butter.
  8. Drain any lemon mixture that remains in the apples and then stuff each apple with 1/4 of the mixture.
  9. Pour the maple syrup in the slow cooker.
  10. Stir in the remaining brown sugar and the remaining butter.
  11. Add the cinnamon stick.
  12. Place the apples into the mixture. The apples may be placed on top of each other at an angle if necessary.
  13. Cover the slow cooker and allow the apples to cook on 4 hours on low or until the apples are tender.
  14. Use a slotted spoon to transfer the cooked apples to a bowl.
  15. Empty the sauce into a saucepan and place the pan over medium high heat.
  16. Bring the sauce to a boil and allow to cook, stirring occasionally, until reduced to about 1/2 C and becomes thick.
  17. Pour the sauce over the apples before serving.

Makes 4 servings

Note: Choose a type of apple that will hold up during cooking. Granny Smith apples work well as do Rome apples. 

Need a new slow cooker?

If you’re looking to upgrade, replace, or add a slow cooker, check out the one below by clicking on the picture. It’s my affiliate link, but that just means I’ll earn a couple of extra pennies at no additional cost to you.

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