Spongebob DVD and Watermelon Ball Jr #Giveaway Ends 10/4


Sometimes I can’t believe that SpongeBob is still on the air. It’s been so long! In fact, one of the young kids who introduced me to the show back in the day when I used to nanny her and her siblings just got married earlier this year. That being said, I do still get a kick out of watching it here and there, even as a fully grown adult. I remember my parents claimed to hate it, and yet would laugh along when I would force it upon them when I visited their house.

You can help keep the tradition going in this giveaway, featuring the new DVD, The Legend of Boo-Kini Bottom. Keep the underwater fun going with the Watermelon Ball that lets you play all kinds of ball games. Best of luck entering! Continue reading “Spongebob DVD and Watermelon Ball Jr #Giveaway Ends 10/4”

Interview With Christopher Schmitz, Author of Wolf of the Tesseract

Welcome to the blog tour for Wolf of the Tesseract by Christopher Schmitz. Delve into his mind and thought processes as he shares with us more about his writing processes and inspiration, with a few great hat tips to the 1980’s, in this exclusive interview. Then of course check out his book and download your own copy. You can get even more from his, plus reviews and sneak peeks into the book, if you follow the rest of the tour.

Continue reading “Interview With Christopher Schmitz, Author of Wolf of the Tesseract”

Paw Patrol 2 DVD #Giveaway Ends 10/3

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, or do not have or work with kids, you know all about Paw Patrol. Kids go absolutely nuts over them. In fact, at work the other day, the kids were talking about Paw Patrol again. Well, if you have any of these kids in your life, I’ve got a great giveaway for you to check out! The winner of this one gets two DVDs of the beloved characters to enjoy! And the one is available just in time for the Halloween holiday. Best of luck entering! Continue reading “Paw Patrol 2 DVD #Giveaway Ends 10/3”

Jewelry Candles Fall #Giveaway Ends 9/15 ~ 3 winners!

As I am typing this, I am sweltering in an office space that is over 80 degrees in spite of the air conditioner running, because it has been in the mid-90s real-feel, with a heat index over 100 degrees today. For some of you that is completely normal. For those of us in Western New York, it is torture! (I especially feel bad for all of the kids and teachers who went back to school today in this, while also mentally jumping for joy that I didn’t have to.)

But the good news is, fall is just around the corner. The forecast over the next several days shows temps in the 70s. Football is back. (GO BLUE!) And all of those fall decorations and scented items have been making their way back into the stores. So for those of you who like to enhance the scents of autumn, check out the latest collection of Jewelry Candles! These are fun because not only can you make your home feel even more warm and cozy with fun fall scents, you also get a piece of jewelry when it’s done burning! This giveaway has some great prize options available for three winners. Good luck!

Continue reading “Jewelry Candles Fall #Giveaway Ends 9/15 ~ 3 winners!”

Author Monica Sanz Shares Her Top 10 Soundtracks for Writing With Giveaway

Welcome to the blog tour for Seventh Born by Monica Sanz! Along the way, you’re going to find teasers, excerpts, reviews and more! So be sure to follow the tour to catch all of these posts. I have a guest post for you today, in which Monica shares her favorite soundtracks for writing. I know which music I like to listen to when I’m writing. How does your own favorite playlist compare to hers? Also remember to enter the giveaway below!

Continue reading “Author Monica Sanz Shares Her Top 10 Soundtracks for Writing With Giveaway”

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